SCAD’s 40th year (2018-2019) had a celebration around every corner. Whether it was orientation, SCAD Savannah Film Festival, or Sidewalk Art’s Festival – the Head Hand Heart symbol and VW Beetles were everywhere. My team was fortunate enough to work with fun art from our alumni to come up with these jaw dropping designs for VW Beetles. (Originally the thought was 40 Bugs for the 40th – can you say wow?) Also, everyone got a uniform spruce – RA’s, staff volunteers, and Admissions Ambassadors were covered head to toe in bright colors, easy for parents to spot if they had a question. I even got to design letters for the 40th logos to go on both the Lucas and Trustees Theater’s marquees – something I’ve never done before!
Cover and sticker designs were finished by the Creative Direction team at SCAD as well as alumni, Todd Gallapo, of Meat and Potatoes